科力航太與 Sikorsky Aircraft(塞考斯基飛機公司/洛克希德馬丁之子公司)配合,並完成技術轉移。
為國內唯一獲得原飛機製造廠認證之 T700發動機氣動渦輪啟動器翻修廠。
T700發動機既是國軍主力直昇機 - S-70/UH- 60之動力來源。
為國內唯一獲得原飛機製造廠認證之 T700發動機氣動渦輪啟動器翻修廠。
T700發動機既是國軍主力直昇機 - S-70/UH- 60之動力來源。
T700 Air Turbine Starter Depot Level Facility was established based on the vision of growing S-70/H-60 fleet scale and funded entirely by Kolead Aerospace. Zero government funding made this project moving efficiently within reasonable time frame under strict quality control. Experienced Kolead engineers worked with Sikorsky from fundamental structure design to entire overhaul process. The technology transferring was not limited in the ATS overhaul only but expandable maintenance capabilities to other pneumatic components.
Furthermore, AS 9110 and ISO 9001 standards ensure Kolead’s service meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. ATS overhauled by Kolead were always returned to service with shorter lead time, longer MTBF and cheaper price comparing to FMS.